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5 Best Vitamins For Metabolism Reset 2024: What’s The Truth?

Updated on - Written by
Medically reviewed by Gopal Ramakrishnan, Ph.D.

vitamins for metabolism
Consuming specific vitamins and nutrients is helpful to optimize metabolism. Photo: Freepik

When there are conversations about achieving a healthy weight, reducing body fat, or preventing obesity, metabolic activity comes into play. It is essential to understand how the gut microbiome, hormones, diet, and other factors impact metabolism and one’s well-being. Whether you are struggling with a sluggish metabolism or are looking for ways to boost metabolic activity, consider taking vitamins to boost digestion and optimize metabolism.

Best Vitamins To Boost Metabolism And Lose Weight

  • B Vitamins
  • Vitamin D3
  • Iron 
  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium

Of course, there are other helpful vitamins, minerals, and food sources that help boost metabolism. However, we choose to focus on the aforementioned because of their potential benefits.

5 Best Vitamins For Metabolism

For the human body to work at an optimal level, consuming sufficient amounts of specific vitamins and nutrients is essential. If you wish to boost metabolic activity, it may be helpful to consume the following vitamins:

B Vitamins

Vitamins B1, B6, B12, and other B-complex vitamins are necessary for the body’s ability to metabolize fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Also, B vitamins regulate energy levels, and brain function, prevent infections, and support cellular health.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to obesity, cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, diabetes, and interference with metabolic activity. Consuming enough vitamin D is vital to cellular function, regulating calcium and phosphate in the blood, and reducing metabolic syndrome risk.


An iron deficiency can bring on fatigue and a slowed metabolism. It is vital to ingest adequate amounts of iron for metabolism, cellular function, oxygen transport, nucleic acid repair and replication, and other necessary functions. Overweight persons may lose weight if they alleviate anemia and have enough iron in their blood.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C
Vitamin C reduces many health problems related to poor metabolism. Photo: atlascompany/Freepik

Vitamin C is an integral part of protein metabolism and energy-yielding metabolism. If you are deficient in vitamin C, it is possible to develop a slower loss of fat mass. Vitamin C is a rich source of antioxidants and reduces many health problems related to poor metabolism. Free radicals in the body can throw off the gut microbiome, immune system, weight regulation, and efficient energy use. Vitamin C is used to stop the antioxidant disruption.


Magnesium is a critical vitamin that is a part of the chemical reactions within the body to produce energy. Without magnesium, the body cannot synthesize nucleic acids and proteins, and metabolic activity would be impeded. Additionally, magnesium may regulate blood sugar, and insulin levels and help with weight loss.

Other Boosters For Metabolism

Aside from the listed vitamins that boost metabolism covered above, it may also prove helpful to consume adequate amounts of calcium, green tea extract, chromium, CLA, and 7-keto-DHEA to boost metabolism. There are a variety of herbs, dietary supplements, minerals, and nutrients that target body fat, improve metabolic activity, make energy use more efficient, and support bodily health.

Understanding Metabolism

Every single person is different regarding their needs for caloric intake and their metabolic activity. However, the process of metabolizing food into energy for use and storage is influenced by multiple factors. A healthy metabolism is integral to optimal bodily function for cellular repair, hormone regulation, energy levels, and other necessary processes.

It is vital to focus on boosting metabolism if it is low and being careful if there are signs or symptoms of a fast metabolism.

A sluggish metabolism may display itself via the following:

  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Constant fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Dry skin
  • Frequent headaches
  • Forgetfulness
  • Feeling cold often
  • Low heart rate
  • Depression
  • Constipation

A fast metabolism may be evident because of the following:

  • Fatigue
  • Anemia
  • Hot flashes and heavy sweating frequently
  • Weight loss
  • Constant hunger
  • Elevated heart rate

Ensuring that your digestive system is healthy and has a balanced microbiome is vital to healthy metabolic activity. Symptoms caused by a leaky gut, such as chronic inflammation, nutritional deficiencies, poor diet, constipation, and fatigue, can feed into reduced metabolic activity. How the body processes food and eliminates waste impacts metabolism, efficient energy use, absorption of nutrients, and bodily function.

To measure metabolic activity, one looks at oxygen consumption, levels of enzymes, fluctuations in metabolic gene and protein expression, and cellular activity. Taking vitamins to remedy metabolic activity problems may take six to eight weeks to see noticeable results.

Metabolic Syndrome Diseases

When metabolic activity is less than ideal, certain diseases[1] may arise which require medical diagnoses and treatment. Many disorders triggered by the metabolic syndrome are without symptoms and may only be considered because of a prominent waistline. A healthy metabolism is vital to reduce obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

Stress, smoking, a lack of exercise, and poor dietary choices may be significant factors. When stressed, cortisol floods the body and triggers cravings for sweet, fat, and salty foods. It is possible to consume too many calories than necessary easily, pack on excess weight, have difficulties regulating blood sugar, weight gain, and fat loss, and experience reduced energy levels. 

Cortisol contributes to a reduction of lean muscle mass, and body mass and increases insulin resistance. Symptoms of an excess of cortisol include the following:

  • High blood pressure
  • Mood swings
  • Rapid weight gain in the abdomen, face, and chest, but arms and legs remain thin
  • Skin changes
  • Muscle weakness

Smoking cessation is not only crucial for the health of your lungs, but it also influences your metabolism and weight. When one smokes, the body’s metabolism speeds up, and appetite is typically suppressed. However, when you stop smoking, it takes time for the metabolic activity rate to return to normal, and there is the risk of overeating and gaining weight. One may want to reset and boost their metabolism after quitting smoking to help reduce weight gain, curb cravings for fatty and sweet foods, and burn calories.

Living a sedentary lifestyle and enjoying an excess of poor food choices and alcohol can have a negative impact on metabolic activity. Binge drinking can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, upsets metabolism, and increases the risk of metabolic syndrome. Drinking high amounts of alcohol can impair the absorption of nutrients and reduce digestion, leading to weight gain and other ailments.

Not getting enough exercise and being sedentary can negatively influence hormone production, the thyroid,[2] and mood, and it does nothing to regulate weight, and blood sugar control and lends itself to obesity. Regularly exercising helps reduce the loss of muscle mass, helps burn calories, and improves metabolism. A lack of exercise can lead to a build-up of fat and a sluggish metabolism.

Genetics And Metabolism

Eating a balanced and varied diet, consuming adequate vitamins, and minerals, and working out help improve metabolism. However, some things like genetics are beyond your control. Whether you have a fast or sluggish metabolism can be influenced by genetics. Genes[3] may contribute to your weight, challenges with weight loss, and metabolism as much as your environment and lifestyle choices.

One of the most common metabolic syndrome diseases is diabetes, which can develop over time because of age, diet, or genetic factors. In some cases, sluggish metabolism and predisposition to obesity may be inherited.

Age And Metabolism

Even when you consume sufficient amounts of certain vitamins and nutrients to support optimal metabolism, advanced age can prove a significant influence. As people age, their rate of metabolism naturally slows, and the rate at which food is broken down is reduced. In addition to regularly consuming supportive and metabolic-boosting vitamins and nutrition, it is helpful to engage in strength training and intense aerobic exercises to increase metabolic activity. Keep in mind, that the metabolic rate decreases in a linear fashion as one gradually ages.

Vitamins, Metabolism, And Digestive Health

Vitamins, Metabolism, And Digestive Health
A healthy digestive system helps boost metabolism. Photo: katemangostar/Freepik

To properly function and enjoy a normal or boosted metabolism, it is crucial to maintain a healthy and balanced digestive system. The gut microbiome[4] influences many of the body’s functions, including the immune system, mood, energy levels, and metabolism. A gut microbiome out of balance lacks sufficient probiotics, and good bacteria may display themselves via metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome increases the risk of possible heart attack or stroke. Conditions such as excessive fat around the waistline, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar can all occur. One may suffer from obesity, insulin resistance, and other ailments from insufficient vitamin intake, genetic factors, advanced age, and poor digestive health. Taking specific vitamin and mineral supplements, and food and participating in physical activity can boost metabolism, improve the gut microbiome, and promote wellness.

How Does The Gut Microbiome Influence Metabolism?

The gut is a significant player in the body’s metabolism and regulating body weight. The gut microbiome influences bile acid synthesis, digestion of food, nutrient absorption, and regulating metabolic activity. The gut is the producer of various metabolites, encodes enzymes,[5] and impacts the body’s homeostasis. If the gut microbiome is out of balance, problems with poor nutrient absorption, reduced energy levels, and poor system function follow.

Best Ways To Consume Vitamins

If you are looking for solutions using natural ingredients that contain vitamins essential to healthy metabolic function and optimal health, you are in luck. You can consume the necessary vitamins for improved metabolism, balance your gut microbiome, and promote healthy bodily functions via foods, supplements, and smart lifestyle choices.

The digestive system plays a vital role in metabolism, breaking down and absorbing essential vitamins for metabolism. Additionally, when the digestive system is in working order, one typically enjoys optimal system function, weight regulation, healthy blood sugar levels, and increased energy.

Foods With Metabolism Boosting Vitamins

Make an effort to add foods to your plate that boost metabolism and keep the body in balance. If you want to take iron supplements, give it a boost by consuming coconut oil alongside it. Check out the following foods that contain ideal amounts of vitamins for optimal metabolic activity:

  • Protein sources like meat, eggs, dairy, nuts, seeds, fish, and legumes keep you fuller longer and increase metabolism higher than carbs and fats.
  • Iron-rich foods like seafood, legumes, seeds, and nuts improve the thyroid and hormone production that influences metabolic activity.
  • Drink coffee for calorie-burning caffeine and a boost of energy to burn fat.
  • Drink green tea to help improve the oxidation of fat and more efficient energy use.
  • Feed your body foods with fiber, prebiotics, and probiotics for optimal gut health, reduce overeating, and introduce good bacteria to boost energy levels and metabolic activity.

Other Ways To Support Metabolic Activity

In addition to taking supplements, and vitamins, and eating foods that boost metabolic activity, what else can be done? It is an intelligent move to eat foods rich in protein, fiber, and probiotics to support optimal system functions. Reduce the amount of time you spend being sedentary and regularly exercise a few times a week. Drink enough water daily, reduce carb intake, and avoid fad diets.


When changing your diet or regimen by adding vitamins, it may be wise to consult your physician. Be aware of any possible interference or adverse reactions between a high dose of vitamins and prescribed medications or existing medical conditions. Consuming more vitamins to speed up metabolism may help one reduce body fat, regulate weight, and improve overall health over time. Additionally, it may be wise to exercise, eat balanced meals, drink water, and support a healthy digestive system and microbiome to optimize metabolic activity.

+ 5 sources

Health Canal avoids using tertiary references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and rely on peer-reviewed studies, academic researches from medical associations and institutions. To ensure the accuracy of articles in Health Canal, you can read more about the editorial process here

  1. Fukuda, S. and Ohno, H. (2013). Gut microbiome and metabolic diseases. Seminars in Immunopathology, [online] 36(1), pp.103–114. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s00281-013-0399-z.
  2. Rashmi Mullur, Liu, Y.-Y. and Brent, G.A. (2014). Thyroid Hormone Regulation of Metabolism. Physiological Reviews, [online] 94(2), pp.355–382. doi:https://doi.org/10.1152/physrev.00030.2013.
  3. Herrera, B.M. and Lindgren, C.M. (2010). The Genetics of Obesity. Current Diabetes Reports, [online] 10(6), pp.498–505. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11892-010-0153-z.
  4. Martin, A.M., Sun, E.W., Rogers, G.B. and Keating, D.J. (2019). The Influence of the Gut Microbiome on Host Metabolism Through the Regulation of Gut Hormone Release. Frontiers in Physiology, [online] 10. doi:https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2019.00428.
  5. Fahrenbach, A.C. and Quoc Phuong Tran (2020). Prebiotic metabolism gets a boost. Nature Chemistry, [online] 12(11), pp.982–985. doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41557-020-00567-0.

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Alex Smith is a NY-based content writer who enjoys covering natural health, supporting wellness, personal finance, history, and outdoor living. When he is not behind a keyboard living the wordsmith life, he enjoys visiting landmark destinations and bookstores.

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