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Does CBD Oil Expire? Here Are 10 Things You Should Know 2025

Lakshmi Vemuri

Updated on - Written by
Medically reviewed by Kimberly Langdon, MD

Does CBD Oil Expire
Like every good thing has an end, CBD oil expires too. Photo: Shutterstock

A high-quality CBD oil can be expensive and can burn a hole in your pocket, and we do not want that to go to waste due to expiration. Various factors affect the shelf life of your CBD oil. One needs to be aware of these factors before starting to use CBD oil. Because that is what wise people do. In this read, you will know everything about its expiry, storage, and factors that affect the product’s shelf life.

Does CBD Oil Expire?

Yes, like every good thing has an end, CBD oil does eventually expire too. CBD oils expire when they lose their potency, mainly due to improper storage conditions, or when they surpass the prime time of two years. Normally, CBD oil’s shelf life generally ranges from 1-2 years, depending on how it is stored. 

How Long Does CBD Oil Last?

How Long Does CBD Oil Last?
Pure CBD oil tends to last longer than flavored CBD oil. Photo: Shutterstock

Older ones are mostly not as effective as fresh ones, unlike the new ones, old CBD oils have fewer potential therapeutic properties like pain relief. If you are using CBD oil to address the pain, you might want to avoid the older products. Fresh and high-quality products can relieve pain better than old ones. 

Extreme heat and direct sunlight[1] are two main factors that can degrade CBD oil even before its expiration date. Higher quality products tend to last for a long time, precisely, the ones that have been minimally processed like full-spectrum CBD oil. Furthermore, pure CBD oil tends to last longer than flavored CBD oil. 

How To Tell If CBD Oil Has Expired? 

Firstly, before buying CBD products, look for a clear label and the expiration date on the package. Just in case you lost the package or the label on the original bottle fell off, then these signs indicating that CBD oil has gone bad should help you: 

  • Fresh CBD oil smells earthy and not unpleasant at all. Whereas, expired CBD oil has a foul smell to it. 
  • It becomes thick and murky. But, this should not be mistaken for the oil that has gone thick due to cold temperatures. A few minutes at room temperature should make the oil return to its natural consistency and color. Or else, thick and dark oil is a sign of degradation.
  • It tastes rancid. CBD oil has a nutty, earthy, or grassy taste to it unless it has artificial flavorings. Expired oil will taste off.

What Factors Affect The Shelf Life Of CBD Oil?

Few factors determine how long CBD oil lasts. From the quality and ingredients to the storage, understanding these factors can help you choose the right product that will last longer. You can also extend CBD oil shelf life and save some bucks. 

Quality Of The CBD Product

It goes without saying that high-quality CBD oil products tend to last for a good long time. When we say quality, it includes the growing conditions, quality of the plant, and quality of the ingredients. Unflavoured CBD products last longer than the ones that have flavors.

Ingredients Used In Making CBD Oil

What goes into making CBD oil matters most as it can affect the estimated shelf life of the product. Like sometimes less is more, and the lesser the ingredients, the longer the shelf life of CBD products. Every individual ingredient that goes into this has its own expiration date. This, in turn, affects the shelf life of products. Make sure to read the certificate of analysis and labels before you make a buy.

Extraction Process Of CBD Product

The CO2 method of extraction[2] is believed to be the gold standard for producing premium quality oil, as it increases the level of CBD and cannabinoids. When it comes to full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD oils, it keeps the compound stable during plant extraction.

The CBD extract product stays potent and lasts longer as the cannabis or hemp compounds stay stable during the CO2 extraction method. Whereas, other methods may destabilize the compounds, thereby creating a low-quality CBD oil with a shorter shelf life.


If you ever wondered why some medicines are stored in amber bottles, that is because it increases the longest shelf life. CBD oil lasts longer in dark and airtight glass container. This protects the oil by blocking the sun and excess oxygen exposure.

Storing CBD Oil

Studies show that excess light and heat accelerate the degradation of CBD oil. This is why storing it properly is vital. Ideal light and heat conditions can help CBD oil remain fresh and potent for longer times. Store CBD properly in cool and dark place.


Store it at room temperature, between 60-70°F or 16- 21°C. Keep your CBD oil away from windows, radiators, humidifiers, air conditioners, and stoves since these are potential sources of cold and heat. 

Properly Handling The Bottle Containing CBD Product

Use a clean spoon or dropper to take CBD oil to avoid contamination. Always make sure to put on the lid immediately after use. Oxidation is an enemy of CBD and can shorten CBD shelf life. Keep CBD capsules and soft gels in their original packaging, and make sure they are airtight. Store the bottle upright and not horizontally. 

How To Find A Good Quality CBD Product That Lasts Long?

How To Find A Good Quality CBD Product That Lasts Long?
There are a few things to consider while buying a bottle of CBD oil that lasts long. Photo: Shutterstock

Buying good quality CBD oil is as important as storing it properly. So, here are a few things to consider while buying a bottle of CBD oil. These shall help you buy a genuine product that lasts long.

Premium Quality Carrier Oils

As we all know, the higher the quality of the oil, the longer the CBD shelf life. For consumable CBD products, look for fractionated coconut oil, as it will last longer than cold-pressed hemp seed oil.

Choose products with a high-quality carrier oil. Look for cold-pressed or expeller-pressed oils in the packaging. Cold-pressed vegetable oils are a great option. Look for sunflower seed, hemp seed, grape seed, apricot, or coconut oil.

Check For Proper Labeling 

A reputable product will have a Certificate of Analysis (COA) from a third-party testing lab that doesn’t have a stake in the brand. Counter-check check the CBD and THC concentrations on the COA match on the product label. Labeling inaccuracies are a major issue with CBD oil products. Look for brands that have labeling accuracy, as this will be the deciding factor in knowing the genuineness of the product.

Cannabinoid Profile

Look for cannabinoids[3] like cannabidiol acid (CBDA), cannabigerol (CBG), cannabinol(CBN), and cannabichromene (CBC) should be on the list. Consider these when buying both full spectrum or broad spectrum CBD oils. 

How To Store CBD Oil?

CBD oil is vulnerable to changes in light, temperature, and air exposure.[4] A good glass airtight container maintains CBD potency and freshness. Protect CBD oil from direct sunlight, extreme heat, and air exposure with the help of the right airtight containers. Premium quality CBD products are typically packaged in airtight bottles in amber or dark green color. Dark-colored bottles control temperature and reduce light exposure. 

Store CBD oil properly in a dark and cool place such as cabinets, drawers, cupboards, or closets. All these make an ideal place to store your good CBD oil and CBD tinctures. Avoid areas with excess moisture like washrooms, as this can promote the growth of mold. Do not store your CBD oil in your pocket or purse for long durations as warm places can be breeding centers for bacteria.

What Happens If You Use Expired CBD Oil?

Expired CBD oil will not harm your health. It will not have any effects. As mentioned earlier, cannabinoids undergo degradation and lose potency in expired CBD oil. When you consume expired CBD oil, the therapeutic effects of CBD oil may not be up to the mark. 

CBD oil does not turn fetid or spoil like other oils. So, consuming a small amount of this product that is out of date will not make you sick. It is even more negligible if you are micro-dosing. But it is always advisable to play it safe. So, discard CBD oils that have passed the expiration dates. 


Everything has an expiry, and so does CBD oil, however, make sure to choose a product that has a long shelf life. It is always wise to invest in high-quality full-spectrum CBD oil or CBD gummies as it lasts longer. If you want the full effects of the therapeutic properties CBD has to offer, then unflavoured CBD products are the best choice. 

Moreover, they tend to stay longer. In addition, even though you have a bottle of good-quality CBD oil, if not stored correctly, it will not last. Remember, things shall last when taken care of. So proper storage is the key to longer shelf life of CBD products.

+ 4 sources

Health Canal avoids using tertiary references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and rely on peer-reviewed studies, academic researches from medical associations and institutions. To ensure the accuracy of articles in Health Canal, you can read more about the editorial process here

  1. Fairbairn, J., Liebmann, J.A. and Rowan, M.G. (1976). The stability of cannabis and its preparations on storage. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, [online] 28(1), pp.1–7. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/j.2042-7158.1976.tb04014.x.
  2. Qamar, S., Torres, M., Parekh, H.S. and Falconer, J.R. (2021). Extraction of medicinal cannabinoids through supercritical carbon dioxide technologies: A review. Journal of Chromatography B, [online] 1167, pp.122581–122581. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jchromb.2021.122581.
  3. Meissner, H. and Cascella, M. (2023). Cannabidiol (CBD). [online] Nih.gov. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK556048/.
  4. Luca Zamengo, Bettin, C., Badocco, D., Valerio Di Marco, Giorgia Miolo and Frison, G. (2019). The role of time and storage conditions on the composition of hashish and marijuana samples: A four-year study. Forensic Science International, [online] 298, pp.131–137. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.02.058.
Lakshmi Vemuri

Medically reviewed by:

Kimberly Langdon

Lakshmi Vemuri holds a bachelor’s degree in Dentistry. She is also a published author of several Food and Wellness books. Lakshmi has a profound interest in alternative medicines, various forms of physical exercise, mental health, diets, and new inventions in medical sciences. Besides being a dentist, Lakshmi is passionate about gardening and is an environmental enthusiast

Medically reviewed by:

Kimberly Langdon

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