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Fiber Foods To Lose Belly Fat 2024: Top 5 Fiber-Rich Foods Burn Belly Fat
Belly fat or visceral fat tends to appear around the midsection of your body. Depending on your food and activity level, you may gain more weight, affecting your health and well-being. This is why it’s crucial to find ways to lose excess weight.
One of the best strategies to use is eating high-fiber foods to lose belly fat. These foods help slow down digestion, improve fat metabolism, and keep you full for longer. You won’t feel the urge to keep eating, and with physical activity, you start losing weight and reducing abdominal fat.
In short, what you eat matters, and this article is the best place to start. Read on to learn about 5 highly nutritious and fiber-rich foods that you can start eating today to help burn belly fat fast.
5 High Fiber Food To Lose Belly Fat
Eating the right foods can help you reduce abdominal fat. These foods are easy to come by and can work with the different diets that you choose.
- Peanut butter
- Sunflower seeds
- Chia seeds
- Sweet potatoes
- Brown rice
5 High Fiber Foods To Reduce Belly Fat
Peanut Butter
Did you know one of the most nutritious foods you can eat is peanuts? Peanuts grow underground and provide you with so many crucial nutrients[1]. Plus, this is a high-fiber food that can help you lose belly fat when you add it to your diet.
Many people enjoy peanuts as a whole, but you can also make fresh peanut butter to use at home. Peanut butter is a spread that billions of people use each day made using roasted peanuts. The best peanut butter is one without additives like sugar and trans-fats.
The good news is peanut butter is a fantastic source of protein[2] and low in carbs. It works well when you are working towards reducing visceral fat. In addition, peanuts have numerous health benefits, including good fats that your body needs for fat loss.
A little peanut butter or a few peanuts can be the perfect snack replacement when on a strict diet. You won’t feel the urge to eat other foods.
Some of the health benefits of peanut butter include:
Low Cholesterol Levels
You can improve the health of your heart by eating peanut butter which has a high amount of unsaturated fats.
Peanuts are lovely since they lower your cholesterol levels, thus preventing the chances of getting heart disease[3].
Provide Crucial Nutrients
Peanut butter is quite nutritious, especially when it doesn’t contain additives to gain belly fat. The spread is full of vital minerals and nutrients[4] that you need for better health.
You can find folate, copper, magnesium, manganese, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin B3, zinc, vitamin B5, selenium, iron, and potassium.
Reduction In Inflammation
Did you know that eating peanut butter can help you combat inflammation? Peanuts are rich in antioxidants that your body needs to fight inflammation. Antioxidants[5] are pretty essential as your body strives to remain healthy.
Sunflower Seeds
As you strive to lose weight and remain in shape, adding seeds to your diet can come in handy. Seeds like sunflower seeds are packed with nutrients and are a rich source of fiber. This is the vital fiber that you need when you want a high fiber intake each day.
Sunflower seeds come from the sunflower plant, whose single head can hold more than 1800 seeds. Edible sunflower seeds are inside hulls which are protective shells that you have to break open. Many people enjoy eating them after roasting them for the best flavor.
You can eat sunflower seeds to support weight loss since these are healthy snack alternatives. Thanks to eating fiber and protein content in sunflower seeds, you can feel fuller after eating them for quite some time. Feeling full is crucial to reducing appetite and avoiding excessive eating when you want to experience reduced fat storage.
So, keeping a pack of sunflower seeds next to you is beneficial to have less belly fat.
Sunflower seeds also have other health benefits that include:
Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Apart from getting in shape, eating healthy sunflower seeds can help you combat inflammation[6]. This is a condition that happens in your body resulting in pain.
These seeds contain soluble fiber that acts to protect you and improve your general health.
High Nutrient Content
Sunflower seeds are a powerhouse when it comes to nutritional content. You can find loads of protein and other crucial nutrients. These seeds contain saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fats.
You can also get vitamin E, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, folate, zinc, iron, selenium, and copper.
Chia Seeds
The journey to reducing belly fat in overweight and obese subjects requires some diet changes. You’ve to start eating more foods rich in fiber. An increase in fiber intake is something your body will love. Indeed, soluble fibers increase your chances of getting healthy.
Chia seeds are another food rich in fiber[7] content and are low in calories. These seeds come in handy when you want to shed visceral fat since it contains soluble fiber foods to lose belly fat. Soluble fiber acts as a sponge that absorbs lots of water and expands.
When chia seeds expand in your stomach, you feel less drawn to eating more food. Also, the fiber reduces digestion which keeps you satisfied for longer. The more you reduce calorie intake, the easier it becomes to lose weight[8], thanks to the soluble fiber intake.
Therefore, if you want to feel full for the rest of the day, you can make chia seeds a part of your first meal. You end up eating less food throughout the day since you feel sated, which benefits fat loss. Chia seeds are powerful nutritional appetite suppressants that help you tackle stubborn visceral fat.
Some of the health benefits you can enjoy when you take chia seeds are:
Source Of Protein
Your body needs loads of protein which is instrumental in your growth and development. Chia seeds are one of the best plant sources of protein that you can include in your diet as you work towards burning belly fat.
In addition, they contain loads of essential amino acids[9] that your body needs to utilize the protein. Eating foods rich in protein keeps you fuller for longer, so you won’t keep thinking about food as you go about your day.
Antioxidant Properties
Chia seeds have loads of antioxidant properties that are quite beneficial to your health and well-being. These antioxidants are your body’s primary protection against free radicals that cause different types of cancers.
The radicals damage healthy cells leading to these health conditions.
Sweet Potatoes
Are you searching for foods rich in fiber that you can eat regularly for better health and total body fat loss? Sweet potatoes are root vegetables high in fiber and nutrients. They’re healthy to eat when on a diet to reduce belly fat.
One of the best ways to lose weight is by eating fewer calories. Sweet potatoes meet this criterion as they contain low caloric content[10]. When you boil or roast them, they make perfect additions to your meals and can work as healthy snacks.
In addition, eating sweet potatoes not only lowers calorie intake, but the fiber also helps you feel fuller. When your stomach feels full, you won’t feel the urge to keep eating more food. This works to your advantage as you work on reducing visceral fat. You’ve less appetite but still, get essential nutrients that your body needs.
Lastly, when it comes to belly fat loss, sweet potatoes come in handy because of their high water content[11]. One issue that causes reduced fat burning is low metabolism. This occurs as a result of dehydration which you can solve with sweet potatoes.
Apart from losing belly fat, other health benefits of sweet potatoes are:
Gut Health
Sweet potatoes have soluble and insoluble fibers that your gut requires for better health. A healthy gut contains loads of good bacteria. The gut bacteria are crucial, and more soluble fiber intake helps your body produce more of it.
More so, soluble fibers play a crucial role when it comes to digestion. The bacteria in your colon ferment the fibers resulting in short-chain fatty acids[12]. These are the acids that look after the cells in your intestines.
Eye Health
Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that sweet potatoes have that provides your body with Vitamin A.
The deficiency of this crucial vitamin causes poor vision[13] and deteriorating eye health. Therefore, eating sweet potatoes often can help you have better vision.
Brown Rice
Lastly, swap white rice with brown rice when you want to reduce belly fat. Brown rice is a healthy source of carbs that’s quite nutritious and beneficial to your health. You can make it part of your healthy recipes for more fiber benefits.
Brown rice has loads of fiber[14] that keeps you satisfied longer. This is a type of whole grain that helps you to eat a few calories in a day.
Apart from reducing belly fat, brown rice benefits:
Can Help People With Diabetes
Brown rice can help you with blood sugar levels which impact how the body releases insulin. You can lower blood sugar and insulin spikes by taking brown rice[15] or other whole grains.
Eating foods rich in fiber is one of the best ways to reduce appetite and tackle visceral fat. Foods like peanut butter, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, sweet potatoes, and brown rice are excellent sources of fiber. In addition, they’ve loads of nutrients, and each helps your body in numerous other ways.
+ 15 sources
Health Canal avoids using tertiary references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and rely on peer-reviewed studies, academic researches from medical associations and institutions. To ensure the accuracy of articles in Health Canal, you can read more about the editorial process here
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