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CBD For Dogs Joint Pain & Arthritis 2025: Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects

As the prevalence of obesity among dogs is increasing, there is an increase in the cases of arthritis among our pet friends all over the globe. Some estimates report that one in five dogs, which is 20% of dogs suffer from joint issues during their lifetime. This results in pain, anxiety, mobility issues, and depression. However, some treatments can help our pets deal with the issue. In this read, you will learn how CBD can help arthritic dogs.
CBD For Dogs Joint Pain & Arthritis
CBD is a compound found in cannabis and hemp. Most CBD oils do not contain THC, a compound that gives psychoactive properties to marijuana. CBD oil products for dogs offer several health benefits for various ailments by reducing anxiety, pain and inflammation, phobia, digestive system issues, and itching. Furthermore, it has appetite-stimulating effects, anti-nausea effects, anti-inflammatory effects, and anti-anxiety effects.
CBD For Dogs Joint Pain & Arthritis
CBD is a compound found in cannabis and hemp. Most CBD oils do not contain THC, a compound that gives psychoactive properties to marijuana. CBD oil products for dogs offer several health benefits for various ailments by reducing anxiety, pain and inflammation, phobia, digestive system issues, and itching. Furthermore, it has appetite-stimulating effects, anti-nausea effects, anti-inflammatory effects, and anti-anxiety effects.
A study conducted on the usage of CBD oil in dogs with osteoarthritis[1] by Cornell University showed that cannabinoids had effects similar to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids in dogs with osteoarthritis and pain. Moreover, a canine study on the usage of CBD for dog osteoarthritis showed improved mobility and arthritis pain reduction with no adverse effects in older dogs.
The Endocannabinoid System
Just like humans, animals have an endocannabinoid system too. Endocannabinoids are lipids that bind and activate the cannabinoid receptors called CB1 and CB2, mimicking THC and CBD activity. Cannabinoids interact with Endocannabinoid receptors present in the central and peripheral nervous system.
The endocannabinoid system[2] regulates the immune system, nervous system, and organ systems with the complex receptor system, chemicals signaling to reduce pain, and inflammation, regulate neurologic function, and metabolism, and support the healthy digestive system, and reproductive system.
Increased activity of the Endocannabinoidal system in dogs during CNS Inflammation suggests its major role as a therapeutic target[3]. Cannabinoids in the endocannabinoid system work with the pain-controlling system by activating the neurons in the brain that inhibit pain. CBD for dogs supports the cannabinoid system and thus impulse to inhibit pain is improved. This way it helps in pain relieving. You can support dogs’ endocannabinoid system by including polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega 3, and 6 fatty acids in their diet.
Benefits Of CBD Oil For Dogs With Joint Pain & Arthritis
Valerie, whose dog Hottie has found CBD has an amazing influence on her dog’s condition. After giving CBD a chance, Hottie restored her mobility after a time of having difficulty walking and showing no interest in playing. Valerie has been pleased with the result and has spoken highly of the products she chose.
When high-quality dog CBD oil is used consistently, the benefits of CBD oils include pain-relieving. help in the treatment of chronic diseases efficiently. The various medicinal properties of CBD oil can give your dog the benefits of anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects. Moreover, it enhances the immune system and protects from infections.
Pain Management
As mentioned earlier, endocannabinoid receptors present in the central and peripheral nervous system interact with CBD and activate a chemical molecular signaling to relieve pain. CBD activates the pain-blocking pathway by activating pain-inhibiting neurons. This cannabinoid interaction helps maintain the balance in the body and keep it in a normal state.
Dogs, in their immune system, have CB2 receptors. Endocannabinoids can catch these receptors to regulate the inflammatory messages in the body. These immunomodulatory properties of endocannabinoids decrease inflammation, while maintaining the immune system strong and fighting infections, overall protecting the body with its anti-inflammatory properties.
What Causes Joint Pain & Arthritis In Dogs
Osteoarthritis in dogs is increasing at an alarming rate due to an increase in obesity among them. Excess fat and increased weight put a load on the joints, and obesity is directly associated with osteoarthritis in dogs, which causes difficulty in movement. Osteoarthritis is very common among senior dogs.
In addition, the vast majority of dogs develop osteoarthritis in the early stages of life. This happens due to the developmental orthopedic diseases during their growth. And certain breeds are more prone to malformed joints than others.
Environmental factors such as early nutrition practices and growth rates, and low amounts of exercise can lead to the development of joint issues. These factors can put your pet on a path that mismatches its skeletal growth and body weight.
Lastly, acute injuries and the changes due to the injury can result in osteoarthritis, difficulty in mobility and pain in later life. The most common one is a tear in the cranial cruciate ligament. In spite of quick intervention, the injury triggers joint pain and inflammation, increased stress on the joints, and impaired function. All these can be setting the stage for osteoarthritis in the future.
Common Types Of Arthritis And Symptoms
There are several types of arthritis, but the common ones are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative joint disease. It affects about 20% of dogs over the age of one year. The bone and cartilage wears down and creates friction and pain. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease.
Osteoarthritis In Dogs
In a healthy dog, the inner surfaces on bones in joints are covered with a thin layer of cartilage. This works as a natural lubricant to the joints when they rub back and forth. If this layer of the cartilage undergoes erosion, it causes joint pain. The joint pain is due to the friction caused between bones due to a lack of cushioning cartilage. This constant friction leads to new bone growth around the joints, which leads to stiffening of joints, further limiting joint movement. This new bone growth around joints is called bone spurs. The progression of this disease will cause severe joint pain and discomfort.
Rheumatoid Arthritis In Dogs
Rheumatoid arthritis is an immune system disorder that leads to inflammation in multiple joints. The immune system usually fights the infection in the body. Whereas, in rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system attacks the joint tissues. This usually happens when the immune system is tricked by diseases in some other parts of the body like cancer, infections, and gastrointestinal diseases. In rheumatoid arthritis, the white blood cells attack healthy cells around the joint tissues and destroy the healthy bone and cartilage. It can affect one joint or multiple joints. The pain and inflammation caused in rheumatoid arthritis are usually present in more than one limb.
Is CBD Safe For Dogs?
According to a study[4] the CBD dominant oil formulation was more safer and well-tolerated than the oil formulations with higher concentrations of THC. Another study[5] conducted by Colorado state university found that full-spectrum hemp oil extract of CBD to be safe even at a high dose of 20 mg/kg once daily for six weeks in beagles. However, avoid buying full-spectrum CBD oil for dogs, as full-spectrum CBD oil contains small amounts of THC, which is toxic for our pets. Dogs with arthritis CBD products such as High-quality CBD isolate and broad-spectrum CBD oil is appropriate options for pets.
CBD Dosage For Dog With Joint Pain & Arthritis
According to research[6], scientists reported positive effects with a dosage of 2mg of arthritis CBD oil twice daily. Research also reported that the pet parents did not report any adverse effects at this dosage. Some animal studies have also found that the higher doses had positive effects on arthritis pain. A clinical and pharmacokinetic study [7] found that CBD dosage of 2mg/kg for dogs twice daily increased mobility and comfort in dogs with osteoarthritis.
In another study[8] conducted to evaluate daily dosage in canine osteoarthritis with chronic pain, they used liposomal CBD of 20mg/day and found that it was as effective, as the highest dose of the Non-liposomal CBD of 50mg/day in improving the clinical outcome
Side Effects Of Dog CBD Oil And Traditional Treatments
All medicinal agents contain some adverse effects along with desired therapeutic effects. But as long as they don’t harm you, they are doing more good than harm. They improve the quality of life. However, here are the adverse effects of the therapeutic agents used to treat arthritis.
CBD Oils
Side effects of pet CBD include dry mouth, increased thirst, lowered blood pressure, and drowsiness.
Side effects of Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on the gastrointestinal tract include vomiting and diarrhea, ulcers, and internal bleeding. Along with lethargy, and severe adverse effects like kidney failure and liver failure. Death may occur in rare cases.
Side effects of steroids are increased thirst, hunger and urination, vomiting, panting, poor skin health, decreased overall immunity, worsening of infections, urinary tract infection, and muscle weakness.
Side effects of antihistamines are loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, confusion, hyperactivity, and irregular or rapid heartbeat.
Quick Summary
The use of CBD oils can be quite helpful for arthritic dogs. However, pet owners should consult a vet before starting on dog CBD oils. Talk to your veterinarian as he is the one who can properly assess your dog’s condition and put them on the right dosage. Dog owners should always use high-quality CBD oil with third-party lab testing. Your dog can also try CBD pet products such as CBD dog treats. Depending on the dog’s body weight, the dose of CBD may vary. However, always start with CBD products of low doses, monitor them closely for reactions, and slowly increase the dose according to desired benefits and tolerability. The best CBD oil may help in pain management and improve overall quality of life.
Frequently Asked Questions
Ingesting cannabis with THC is not the same as ingesting CBD. Hemp can legally contain up to 0.3 % THC. So, when a pet consumes a large amount of hemp-based CBD products or large doses of THC, It can lead to mild THC toxicity.
CBD takes approximately about 30- 45 minutes to start functioning. CBD oil tends to work a little faster than CBD treats and biscuits.
Use of CBD oil by mouth is the most effective way for better absorption. You can apply CBD oil to the dog’s mouth or use a dropper to get the CBD in your pet’s mouth.
+ 8 sources
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