Is Rice Gluten-Free? What You Need To Know In 2025

Krista Bugden

Updated on - Written by
Medically reviewed by Dr G. Michael DiLeo, MD

is rice gluten free
Rice in its natural form is gluten-free!

If you’ve recently started following a gluten-free diet or have been diagnosed with celiac disease, you might wonder, is rice gluten-free? Is this another food you have to be careful about? 

While there are many gluten free-food options today, rice is hard to escape. As a staple in most pantries and a base for many dishes, rice provides a ton of versatility. It’s also ultra-easy to make. Plus, there are a lot of different types of rice. So, what are the healthiest types of rice when following a gluten-free diet? Are there any downsides to gluten-free[1] strategies? What should you know?

Does Rice Have Gluten?

In its natural form, most rice does not contain gluten. Yet, it’s always advised to check the labels on the packaging. Also, even gluten-free rice served in a restaurant may be cross-contaminated with gluten. Sushi rice is not gluten-free. However, unprocessed, the following rice can be considered gluten-free:

  • White.
  • Brown.
  • Basmati.
  • Jasmine.
  • Sticky.

What Does Gluten-Free Mean?

Gluten-free[2] describes diets that avoid gluten. Gluten is a protein found in various grains, such as barley, wheat, and rye. This protein can cause digestive distress and even an immune response in some individuals.

For instance, celiac disease[3] is an autoimmune condition where gluten causes the immune system to attack the digestive tract. Individuals diagnosed with this condition avoid gluten to avoid various digestive symptoms, sometimes lasting days. 

Similarly, people with gluten sensitivity may experience similar digestive symptoms, such as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, or abdominal pain. This is often referred to as non-celiac gluten sensitivity.[4] 

Some individuals may also have a wheat allergy,[5] where eating wheat may lead to an immune response, but this is also different from both celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. Some even may use this diet as a gluten–free fat burner to lose weight or extra pounds. This is because the gluten-free diet is restrictive, so in some ways, it can help cut calories.

In all of the above cases of allergy, sensitivity, or actual disease, opting for a gluten-free diet can relieve and help avoid hours or days of digestive discomfort and pain. However, something to keep in mind when going gluten-free is that you may not get all the nutrients you need. Some individuals may need to take vitamin B supplements or a multivitamin to ensure they don’t become nutrient deficient in the process.

Luckily, there are many gluten-free foods; even gluten-free protein powders are available on the market now. But is rice one of them? Does rice have gluten? Surprisingly —  because it is in the grain group — rice is gluten-free. But this depends on the type of rice.

Gluten-Free Rice Types

Rice is naturally gluten-free, assuming it hasn’t been contaminated or undergone processing that changes this. While not all rice dishes are gluten-free either, the following types of rice, on their own, are:

White Rice

is rice gluten free
White rice is gluten-free, providing it’s in its natural form.

As long as white rice is in its natural form, it is considered gluten-free. If you need to follow a gluten-free diet, adding white rice can be a great addition to some healthy carbs — not to mention serving as a base for many stir fries and other preparations.

Brown Rice

is rice gluten free
Unprocessed brown rice, called whole grain, is gluten-free.

Brown rice, also called whole grain rice, is also gluten-free. But like white rice, this type of rice may be processed or produced in a glutenous environment. This means you definitely want to check the label before assuming it’s safe.

Basmati Rice

is rice gluten free
Unprocessed basmati rice — brown or otherwise — also is gluten-free.

Whether it’s brown basmati rice or not, these are also typically gluten-free food products. Again, always check the label to make sure.

Jasmine Rice

is rice gluten free
Jasmine rice is a long-grain rice — light and gluten-free.

This long-grain rice offers a nice light and fluffy texture when cooked, and yes, it’s gluten-free!

Sticky Rice

is rice gluten free
The difference a letter makes: white sticky rice is glutinous.

White sticky rice often goes by the name glutinous rice,  While this sounds misleading, the detail is in the spelling. Being glutinous with an ( i ) means sticky; glutenous with an ( e ) refers to gluten. And then there’s gluttonous, which means eating to excess. White sticky rice, while glutinous, is neither glutenous nor gluttonous! Thus, this type of rice is also gluten-free. 

Types Of Rice That Are Not Gluten-Free

While rices in its natural form are gluten-free, they are different from processed or rice mixes. Thus, they may be unsafe for those who need to avoid gluten. Types of rice you should avoid if you’re on a gluten-free diet include:

  • Sushi Rice: For the sushi to stick together, this rice is usually mixed with wheat vinegar, meaning it often contains gluten.
  • Boiled Rice When Eating Out: Unfortunately, many restaurants that offer rice use the same pots for preparing pasta. If you’re eating out, always ensure that gluten-free dishware and pots are used to cook your meals.
  • Instant Rice: With instant rice, many brands contain wheat thickeners and flavor enhancers that contain gluten.
  • Rice Dishes: Certain rice dishes, such as saffron rice, risotto, paella, and Cuban rice, contain chicken stock that contains gluten. However, you can make gluten-free varieties of these rices in the comfort of your own home!

Ways To Safely Use Rice On The Gluten-Free Diet

As previously mentioned, rice is generally gluten-free when cooked at home in its natural form. Yet, eating out might pose more complications. Additionally, instant rice products could put you at risk of a gluten reaction if you have celiac disease or sensitivity. 

The key thing here is to ensure you always check the label of products, ensuring they say gluten-free. If eating out, you’ll want to double-check with this restaurant that no cross-contamination occurs while cooking your food.

If you’re really unsure, opting for food items labeled gluten-free and making food at home is always a safer option. This can ensure you thwart digestive sensitivities and keep your health on track.

Healthy Gluten-Free Substitutes For Rice

If you’re ever unsure about rice, luckily, there are various gluten-free substitutes. These include:

  • Quinoa: High in protein and similar in texture, quinoa offers a healthy alternative to rice.
  • Rice Cauliflower: While not really rice at all, cauliflower can make a great low-carb option that is gluten-free.
  • Rice Broccoli: This is another vegetable pretending to be rice. However, it can also serve as a great base and gluten-free rice alternative.
  • Chopped Cabbage: This healthy alternative can also serve as a substitute for rice. Additionally, you can really use any vegetable in a similar way.

When in doubt, go for an alternative stated to be gluten-free, such as when selecting your food for your gluten-free meal delivery. This way, you know you’re getting food that won’t cause gastrointestinal upset.


So, is rice gluten-free? Yes! In its natural form, rice can be enjoyed by those diagnosed with celiac disease or by those with gluten sensitivities. However, caution is advised. Unless the label directly states it’s gluten-free, it might be wise to go with a rice substitute, as outlined above. Also, beware of gluten cross-contamination from facilities preparing otherwise gluten-free foods.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is all rice gluten-free?

No. However, all rice in its natural form is gluten-free.

Does sushi rice have gluten?

Unfortunately, a lot of sushi rice is mixed with wheat vinegar, which contains gluten. This means you’ll want to be cautious when having sushi rice.

Is rice flour gluten-free?

Yes, rice flour is gluten-free as long as it’s natural.

Is wild rice gluten-free?

Yes, as long as processing hasn’t exposed it to glutenous ingredients.

Is jasmine rice gluten-free?

Yes, jasmine rice is gluten-free and can often be enjoyed on a gluten-free diet.

Are rice noodles gluten-free?

Yes, rice noodles are gluten-free and even low in sodium.

Is white rice gluten-free?

Most white rice is gluten-free in its natural form. However, always check the labeling on the package to ensure you’re making the right choice.

+ 5 sources

Health Canal avoids using tertiary references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and rely on peer-reviewed studies, academic researches from medical associations and institutions. To ensure the accuracy of articles in Health Canal, you can read more about the editorial process here

  1. Dalia El Khoury, Balfour-Ducharme, S. and Joye, I.J. (2018). A Review on the Gluten-Free Diet: Technological and Nutritional Challenges. [online] 10(10), pp.1410–1410. doi:
  2. Nett, K. (2022). Gluten-free: What does that mean? [online] Mayo Clinic Health System. Available at:
  3. Celiac Disease Foundation. (2014). What is Celiac Disease? | Celiac Disease Foundation. [online] Available at:
  4. Celiac Disease Foundation. (2019). Non-Celiac Gluten/Wheat Sensitivity | Celiac Disease Foundation. [online] Available at:
  5. ACAAI Public Website. (2022). Wheat & Gluten Allergy | Symptoms & Treatment | ACAAI Public Website. [online] Available at:
Krista Bugden

Medically reviewed by:

Michael DiLeo

Krista Bugden worked as a Kinesiologist at a physiotherapist clinic in Ottawa, Canada for over five years. She has an Honours Bachelor Degree in Human Kinetics (Human Movement) from the University of Ottawa and uses her extensive knowledge in this area to educate others through well-researched, scientific, and informative articles about exercise, nutrition, and more. Her passions include hiking, traveling, and weightlifting.

Medically reviewed by:

Michael DiLeo

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