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Paleo Diet Plan For Beginners 2025: Guide & Meal Plan


Updated on - Written by
Medically reviewed by Kathy Shattler, MS, RDN

Paleo Diet Plan
Some of the clinically demonstrated benefits of the Paleo diet not only help with weight loss but also for improving our health. Photo: Nghi Tran

The Paleo diet plan is often described simply as the “hunter-gatherer diet” or the “Stone Age diet”. The term is unceremonious – what exactly does it refer to? The back-to-basics mentality behind the Paleo diet is fraught with controversy, but many die-hard devotees swear by this lifestyle. Is the Paleo diet right for you? If so, what should you be eating and what should you be avoiding?

Paleo Diet Plan For Weight Loss

Throughout the week, each Paleo meal that you make should meet all of your dietary and caloric needs. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner can all be arranged well in advance if you’re somebody with a busy life to maintain.

As with any type of meal plan, the logistics of your schedule will be pivotal. Do you work for a living? Will you need to prepare many meals in one session? 

Sunday: Preparation Day

Sunday, for many meal preppers, is day zero. You should take an hour or two to prepare a variety of ingredients or even entire meals to grab throughout the week.

A few things that you can do ahead of time:

  • You can roast an entire chicken or sauté a bunch of ground beef for the week.
  • You can pre-chop vegetables for a quick mixed-greens salad or sheet pan dinner.
  • You can process cauliflower rice for a convenient side on the fly.
  • You roast a bunch of sweet potatoes and other root vegetables; these are especially versatile and can be made into soups, smoothies, and even baked goods.
  • There are Paleo snacks that you can prepare in advance, such as baggies of nuts and dried fruit.

If you’re meal prepping, certain foods will hold up longer than others. There are some exceptions to the approach described above; if you plan on eating apple slices one day, you should wait to cut the apples until you’re just about to eat them, to name one example.

Once you’ve got everything ready for the week, it’ll be easy to put each meal together, even if you’ve got a busy schedule in front of you.

Monday: Motivation Day (approx. 2018 calories)

Those who frequently find themselves in need of Monday motivation should start the day off right. You’ll need more than some steamed broccoli and sea salt to get yourself out of bed – we recommend a hearty breakfast scramble with all of the fixings.

Eggs2 large
Olive Oil1 tablespoon
Mixed Vegetables (e.g., spinach, bell peppers, mushrooms)1 cup
Avocado1/2 medium-sized
Smoked Salmon2 oz
Breakfast Sausage 2 oz

The biggest difference between your previous life and your new diet will likely be the exclusion of refined carbs from every meal. If you need them to function, you can substitute your daily toast and butter for starchy vegetables instead. 

That’s breakfast. Lunch is going to be another story. If you roast a chicken, this source of protein is going to be your ace in the hole for the rest of the workweek. 

Roast Chicken6 oz
Mixed Greens for salad2 cups
Olive Oil (for dressing)1 tablespoon
Fresh Fruit1 cup
Almond Butter2 tablespoons
Almond Milk (optional)1 cup

When dinner finally rolls around, you’ll be glad that you’ve already prepared protein and vegetables ahead of time. This dinner provides a rich source of protein from both the beef and salmon, a variety of vegetables contributing to the carb content with essential vitamins and minerals, and healthy fats from the olive oil and salmon

Beef6 oz
Mixed Vegetables (broccoli, carrots, snap peas)1 cup
Olive Oiltablespoon
Salmon Fillet4 oz
Bell Peppers1 cup
Brussels Sprouts1 cup

Tuesday Through Friday: Variety Day

Your goal throughout the week is to keep things interesting for yourself. While a Tuesday morning breakfast of coconut milk, pumpkin seeds, and mixed berries might be fine as a novelty experiment, you’ll likely want your Wednesday breakfast to pack more of a punch.

You can keep the hungry at bay by switching things up every day. Paleo diet-friendly seasonings and spices like red pepper flakes and curry powder add no calories to your meal and make using up leftovers a breeze. 

Saturday: Reflect And Replenish Day

By Saturday, your stockpile is probably looking just a little bit depleted. It’s time to come up with a new shopping list for the week.

Take a moment to assess what you’ve been craving on your new diet. After a moment of reflection, you can take the previous week into account and double down on what worked well for you. We can also recommend giving yourself a treat day, especially if your lifestyle is active and already relatively healthy. All Brussels sprouts and no play make Jack a very sad boy, indeed. 

What Is A Paleo Diet?

What does the paleo diet consist of? The popular notion behind the Paleo diet is that we should try to avoid processed foods or anything that our caveman ancestors would not be eating as a part of their own Paleo diets.

The basic principles of eating paleo recipes:

  • Choosing whole foods and recognizing them as a superior source of fuel
  • The rejection of processed, factory-made, nutritionless commercial food
  • The desire to give the human body food that it is naturally inclined to thrive off of 

Benefits Of The Paleo Diet

Weight Loss
A paleo diet meal plan can lose weight. Photo: Mikhail Azarov/Shutterstock

Some of the clinically demonstrated benefits of the Paleo diet include the following:

More Effective Weight Loss

It doesn’t necessarily have to be a long-term commitment, either. This study[1] on fourteen healthy volunteers found that a Paleo diet meal plan helped them lose weight over only three weeks.


A Paleo lifestyle has been shown to improve glucose tolerance[2] and improve insulin sensitivity in diabetics.

Protection Against Heart Disease

The Paleolithic diet has also been suggested to be heart-healthy[3], as well.

What Should I Eat On The Paleo Diet?

To reiterate: the central tenet of the Paleo diet is choosing unprocessed foods, things that ancient people were eating before the advent of commercial food production. What exactly does this mean for your plate?

Foods To Avoid On The Paleo Diet

If you dread calorie counting, you’ll be happy to hear that the Paleo diet asks you to cut out many calorie-laden food groups entirely. Out of sight, out of mind.


Often called a dietary irritant[4], ridding your diet of dairy might confer benefits beyond the waistline some studies indicate that going dairy-free might also make your skin clearer and more radiant[5] than ever before.

Eliminating dairy might invoke some dietary deficiencies if you do not take care since dairy is a primary source of calcium and vitamin D in our diets.

Refined Sugar

Refined Sugar
Choose natural sweeteners instead of refined sugar. Photo: qoppi/Shutterstock

Those who adhere to a stringent regime of blood sugar control can already attest to how beneficial cutting out processed sugar can be – you look better, you feel better, and you have so much more room for other stuff in your diet, calorically.

Some of the top sugar offenders when you eat Paleo:

  • High-fructose corn syrup
  • Table sugar
  • Alcohol

Instead of these refined options, choose natural sweeteners like stevia, monk fruit extract, maple syrup, and coconut sugar.

Gluten, Grains, And Legumes

The most challenging aspect of the Paleo diet: all grains are officially off of the table. We hate to scare you with such a dramatic ultimatum, but if a Paleo meal plan is your goal, this is one of the most important rules. 

Our ancestors were not able to cultivate or mill grains as we do; this unfortunate fact will have you eating fewer calories than ever before. Alternatives like almond flour can be used as a substitute if you’re one to bake often.

Refined Vegetable Oils

Trans fats like soybean oil, grapeseed oil, corn oil, and sunflower oil should all be avoided on a Paleo meal plan. Healthy fats and unprocessed oils like nut butter, coconut oil, avocado oil, and extra virgin olive oil are still allowable.

Best Foods On The Paleo Diet

Now that we’ve taken care of the junk, what should go on your Paleo shopping list?

There are so many ways to build an awesome, everyday Paleo diet meal. Here are the building blocks that you should always have on hand for when hunger strikes.

Whole, Plant-Based Foods

There are a few unprocessed whole foods that you will not be allowed to enjoy while partaking in a Paleo diet. This includes all fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and seeds.

Lean Protein

The stereotypical Paleo foods that most think of first include the giant hunk of meat, straight off of the bone, and the wild-caught salmon, eaten raw, right out of the river.

There is an emphasis in many Paleo circles on choosing organic, grass-fed, and pasture-raised whenever possible. The health benefits of cage-free eggs and hormone-free poultry[6] are undeniable; consider it to be a bonus.

These Paleo diet basic food groups will form the foundation of your eating plan. What does one week of typical Paleo meals look like?

Summing Up

Many closet dieters swear by their favorite dietary supplements, but sometimes, cleansing your routine of everything but the bare necessities can be a profound experience. Letting go of your favorite processed foods can be difficult, but the weight loss and the energy boost will be well worth the effort. 

Watching your calorie intake is easy when everything on your plate comes from nature. The Paleo diet will awaken your inner Neanderthal and have you feeling closer to Mother Earth than ever.

+ 6 sources

Health Canal avoids using tertiary references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and rely on peer-reviewed studies, academic researches from medical associations and institutions. To ensure the accuracy of articles in Health Canal, you can read more about the editorial process here

  1. M Osterdahl, Tahire Kocturk, Afsaneh Koochek and Per Wändell (2007). Effects of a short-term intervention with a paleolithic diet in healthy volunteers. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, [online] 62(5), pp.682–685. doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602790.
  2. ‌Lindeberg, S., Jönsson, T., Granfeldt, Y., Borgstrand, E., Soffman, J., Sjöström, K. and Ahrén, B. (2007). A Palaeolithic diet improves glucose tolerance more than a Mediterranean-like diet in individuals with ischaemic heart disease. Diabetologia, [online] 50(9), pp.1795–1807. Available at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00125-007-0716-y.
  3. ‌Jönsson, T., Granfeldt, Y., Ahrén, B., Branell, U.-C., Pålsson, G., Hansson, A., Söderström, M. and Lindeberg, S. (2009). Beneficial effects of a Paleolithic diet on cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetes: a randomized cross-over pilot study. Cardiovascular Diabetology, [online] 8(1), p.35. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2724493/.
  4. ‌Oup.com. (2021). [online] Available at: https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/94/2/422/4597833?login=true.
  5. ‌Kucharska, A., Szmurło, A. and Sińska, B. (2016). Significance of diet in treated and untreated acne vulgaris. Advances in Dermatology and Allergology, [online] 2, pp.81–86. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4884775/.
  6. ‌S;Ahmed, A. (2017). Daily consumption of commercial chicken feed and meat lead to alterations in serum cholesterol and steroidal sex hormones in female rats. Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences, [online] 30(1 Suppl). Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28625952/.

Medically reviewed by:

Kathy Shattler

Emma Garofalo is a writer based in Pittsburgh, PA. A lover of science, art, and all things culinary, few things excite her more than the opportunity to learn about something new." It is now in the sheet in the onboarding paperwork, apologies!!

Medically reviewed by:

Kathy Shattler

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